Download our Briefings and Consultation Responses
Plugging into the Future Briefing Welsh
Plugging into the Future Briefing
Submission to the Welsh Parliament's Housing and Local Government Committee
ESF Submission - Welsh Parliament Climate Change Committee

Briefing for Welsh Senedd Members for the General Principles debate on Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill
Electrical Safety First has published a briefing for the debate on the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill and the need to ensure the Bill brings forward additional measures that will pave the way for mandatory electrical safety checks in Wales to be introduced in 2021.


Response to Beyond Recycling: A strategy to make the circular economy in Wales a reality (April 2020)
Electrical Safety First has provided evidence to the Welsh Government’s consultation on ‘A Circular Economy’ because of the increase in the recycling and reselling of electrical goods including white good appliances by councils in Wales.