Download our policy and discussion papers
'A New Deal for Tenants' - Consultation Response - April 2022

Scottish Parliament Committee Call for Evidence – Short Term Lets Consultation Response - October 2021

Plugging into the Future Report - July 2021

Scottish Government Draft Heat in Buildings Strategy - April 2021

Our Key Policies in Scotland 2021

Response from ESF - Proposed Electricians (Scotland) Bill - November 2020

Policies to protect people, property and communities in Scotland - 2021 and Beyond
A number of policy proposals to assist with the development of manifestos for the Scottish Parliament Elections in May 2021.

Response From Electrical Safety First Scottish Government Short Term Lets Consultation - October 2020

Short-changed: Identifying the gap in safety standards for short-term lets in Scotland - June 2020
The Short-Term Let Sector (STL) has grown significantly over the last few years, but housing and electrical safety standards are specific to each tenure and arrangement. We believe that STLs in Scotland should meet the same requirements as the Private Rented Sector (PRS).

Electrical Safety First comment on the passage of the Consumer Scotland Bill - Scottish Parliament - May 2020
Electrical Safety First warmly welcomes the new amendment to the Bill, which requires Consumer Scotland to establish and operate a central product recall database for consumers.

Briefing for Stage 3 Proceedings for the Consumer Scotland Bill – May 2020
Electrical Safety First supports Jackie Baillie MSP's amendment to the Bill, which would require Consumer Scotland to establish and operate a central database of major recalled goods and inform and advice consumers adversely affected by them.

Electrical Safety First response to the Scottish Government ‘Housing to 2040’ consultation - February 2020
Electrical Safety First's response to the consultation offers practical and deliverable policy solutions designed to help tackle some of the most significant electrical risks in Scottish homes.
Briefing for the Stage One Debate on the Consumer Scotland Bill - January 2020
Electrical Safety First welcomes the introduction of the Consumer Scotland Bill, which will strengthen the rights of consumers through the establishment of a new public body. Our briefing highlights areas in which the Bill could be strengthened to provide further safety protection for Scottish consumers.

Submission to the Scottish Parliament's Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee - September 2019
Electrical Safety First's response to the Scottish Parliament's request for views on the Consumer Scotland Bill.

Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Short-Term Lets - July 2019
Although we recognise the value that short-term lets provide to the economy, the rise of this new accommodation model does present potential electrical safety risks.