If you find that you are in possession of a recalled product, the notification should give you details of what to do next. If no details are shown, you should contact either the seller or Citizens Advice.
If you purchased the item from a UK seller and need further advice, Citizens Advice can help. If you bought your product from a company based inside the EU, European law will protect you. Contact the UK European Consumer Centre for more details. If you bought your product from a company outside the EU it is unlikely that UK or EU law can assist you.
If you are concerned about the safety of a product that does not appear on the recall list, we recommend you stop using it and make your concern known to the retailer, manufacturer or, if not known, your local Trading Standards office.
Further advice:
UK European Consumer Centre: www.ukecc.net
Citizens Advice: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/report-to-trading-standards/
Citizens Advice Adviceline: 03444 111 444 (May not be available in all areas)
Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline: 03454 04 05 06
Chartered Trading Standards Institute Consumer Helpline: 03454 04 05 06

Product Recalls on Our Website
Electrical Safety First operates an online recall checker, which anybody can use to search for electrical product recalls and safety actions that may affect them, and also provides further information on what steps to take.
The checker is updated with information from Trading Standards, Safety Gate: the rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products, the OECD Global recalls portal and manufacturers' websites. A typical notice includes general product information including a photo and identifying characteristics, the nature of the safety issue and the manufacturer’s advice, if available.