Models affected
Model Number (compressor): 30QB-SD
Model Number (water pump): CM-168
SKU: G1065-HPA-AP8A-01
Blue high pressure air compressor with black power supply cord and plug.
The product presents a serious risk of fire as earthing arrangements are insufficient. The product is supplied with a counterfeit fuse, which did not contain a ballast, and may not operate as required in the case of a fault in the product or a surge in the current. The voltage is also stated to be 220V which may not be suitable for the UK mains supply.
The product also requires improvements to marking, labelling and documentation.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 or the Plugs & Sockets (Safety) Regulations 1994
What to do next
If you believe you have an affected product stop using it immediately and contact the retailer for further advice.
Electrical Safety First strongly recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.