Models affected
Model: HYT-1202000
Carton numbers: X000YALTZ9, FBA15G1U000001
Product is a disc-shaped wall light with power plug and AC adapter.
The product presents a high risk of fire as the mains supply cord has excessive resistance. If the consumer were to plug in the product, the mains supply cord's excessive resistance could make it overheat. If the supply cord catches fire, the user could get burnt from touching the plug or from debris. The plug also
did not meet the dimensional requirements of BS 1362, and the fuse is a suspected counterfeit as it only weights 1.5g.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.
What to do next
If you believe you have an affected product stop using it immediately and contact the retailer for further advice.
Electrical Safety First strongly recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.