Models affected
(1) Bluebell Baby Monitor 9-in-1,
(2) Bluebell Smart Baby Monitor
(3) Bluebell Babymonitor
(4) Bluebell 8-in-1 HD Baby Camera Monitor
Product Codes: 31355903, 31355901, 31355902, 31301014
Sales period: 01/07/2019 to 10/05/2023
Bluebell Baby Monitor.
It has been identified that the app that supports the monitor system is no longer functioning correctly. This means that there is a potential risk of the child not being monitored correctly.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.
What to do next
If you believe you have an affected product stop using it immediately and contact the retailer for further advice.
Electrical Safety First strongly recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.