Electric shock.
Models affected
JZDC18V32II1F7NKEKZVZ, 921017874477, 911780220215144133
Black and blue hammer drill supplied in a black case.
The product presents a high risk of electric shock as the transformer was of a poor build quality because it did not meet the requirements for creepage and clearance. The product featured poor quality connections with wires soldered directly to the control PCB’s tabs instead of being hooked through then being soldered, and as the product is a high vibration environment it should have a mechanical restraint in addition to soldering. Improvements are also required to documentation, markings, and the declaration of conformity.
The product does not meet the requirements of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008.
What to do next
If you believe you have an affected product stop using it immediately and contact the retailer for further advice.
Electrical Safety First strongly recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.