Burns, Fire
Models affected
ASIN Numbers: B07Y81MSX3, B07TM2KV1C
ASIN Numbers: B085FRYYNL, X00166YH09, B07SLB3M5N, X00166YH09
Type/number of model: SM-5250
The product's protection against heat is insufficient. Consequently, the product could overheat, some parts of it could melt or even catch fire while in normal use, increasing the risk of burns or fire. The resistance of the mains cable is too high. Consequently the power cord might overheat during use, increasing the risk of burns. / The product does not comply with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335-2-23.
Mains-powered black and pink plastic hair brush with heating function.
The product is wrapped in a transparent plastic bag, packaged in a black cardboard box and was sols online, in particular via Amazon.
What to do next
If you believe you have an affected product stop using it immediately and contact the retailer for further advice.
Electrical Safety First strongly recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.