The product poses a risk of electric shock because: - there is a lack of fuses and they are of the incorrect size, - the requirements for creepage and clearance distances of basic insulation to accessible metal parts are not met. The product does not comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60335.
Models affected
SKU code 387932, Barcode EAN 5060034524236
Pink sleeve with a box inside. No security seal, as there would be on the genuine product. Lack of seal shows that the product is counterfeit. CE mark is also slightly different from the one on the genuine product. Product and box are both CE marked. Box measurements: L = 33.5cm; W = 14.5cm; D = 9cm. Product measurements (iron only, not lead): 26cm; W= 3cm. Labelled GHD.
This product may be counterfeit.
What to do next
Voluntary withdrawal from the market by the distributor.
The manufacturer may not have provided a way to exchange your product. Read our product recall advice to find out what to do next.
Electrical Safety First recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.