Pull The Plug

10 February 2017


Ever been stuck with a dud of a date? Need to make a quick escape? We’ve got the perfect excuse: ‘I’m sorry, I think I’ve left my hair straighteners on!’

Hair straighteners and curling wands have long been accused of sizzling hair, but we've found that they are also a major cause of dangerous burns and house fires. So, whether it’s getting ready for a big date or just a trip to the shops, our message is to make sure to switch off your straighteners after using them. They still make a great excuse to leave suddenly if your date isn't going as planned!

So what makes a bad date? A whopping 72% of people said that they would want to pull the plug on their date if they were rude to restaurant staff. Others major turn offs included swearing, talking about an ex and getting drunk.

Fred Sirieix, TV celebrity and restaurant manager says:

“This survey backs up something I have thought for quite some time; that impressing your date isn’t just about how you treat them but also others around you, including the waiter. To have a good time, you must engage with everyone, including your date.

“I always suggest meeting for one drink, that way if it goes well you can suggest staying longer. If it doesn’t, say that you think you left your straighteners on. It could set your house on fire so it’s unlikely that your date will complain or convince you to stay! As for women who say they would ditch a date for suggesting splitting the bill - it’s 2016! It’s an equal world so expecting the man to pay is wrong!”

  • Quick to Ditch: One in eight women have ditched someone during a date while only one in ten men have done this
  • First Impressions: 28% of men will know if they’re interested in a date in five minutes or less, while only 21% of women say they would know within this time period.
  • Bad Manners: Being rude to restaurant staff was the biggest reason for pulling the plug on a date for both men and women. Four out of five women would ditch their date for this reason and two in three men said the same.
  • Ex Talk: Talking about previous partners was also a big turn off for women: 70% of women would ditch a date for this reason while only 59% of men said the same.
  • Looks Count: Men are more concerned about attractiveness in date, one in four would ditch a date if they were not as attractive as they had expected. Slightly fewer women (22%) said lack of attractiveness would cause them to ditch a date.
  • Going Dutch: Only 6% of men say they would ditch a date who suggested splitting the bill, compared to almost one in five women (18%).
  • Sparing Feelings: While one in three (36%) women would make up an excuse to leave a bad date, almost half of men (47%) said that they would pretend to be interested throughout but then never contact their date again.

Want to know more? Our Beauty Burns page has advice on how to keep your children safe around straighteners.

More posts by Gareth Evans

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